Waiting is an Active Process – Podcast: S04E005

By Mike Van Hoozer

Reading Time: minutes

Are you in a season of waiting right now? Are you waiting for a new opportunity? A new relationship? A promotion? A goal to be achieved? Healing? A smoother path with less stress and more clarity? Seasons of waiting can be challenging, because most of us hate to wait!

In today’s podcast episode of Monday Morning Moments, I talk about the benefits of waiting, and why waiting is an active, not passive, process. I also highlight the journey of Jalen Hurts, one of the quarterbacks for Alabama, and 3 things that we can learn from his season of waiting.

You can also read this blog post about the same topic.

Mike Van Hoozer

About the author

I am a husband, father, endurance athlete, author, speaker, consultant, and sports and life performance coach who helps develop leaders in sports, business, and life!

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