Monday Morning Moments Podcast: Play with JOY

By Mike Van Hoozer

Reading Time: minutes

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In 2021, the Baylor Men’s Basketball Team won a National Championship! In his book “The Road to JOY,” Baylor Head Coach Scott Drew talks about how they built a culture of JOY (Jesus, Others, Yourself) in order to become champions on the court and in life.

In this podcast episode in our series entitled “It’s Not About You,” I share why “playing with JOY” is so important on the court, field, office, home, and community and highlight 3 characteristics of people and teams that are joyful.



Show Notes:

  • The Road to Joy: Leading with Faith, Playing with Purpose, Leaving a Legacy
  • Fear of death versus the joy of living
  • Happiness is initiated and controlled by circumstances.
  • Joy is sustained by a deep, inner contentment. Joy transcends circumstances.

3 Characteristics of a Culture of JOY

  1. Lead with Faith
    • Be grateful for the moments.
  2. Play with Purpose
    • Teams that play with joy play for something bigger than themselves.
  3. Leave a Legacy
    • Knowing your purpose and defining Your Why allows you to persevere when things get tough and challenging.

New Episodes of the Monday Morning Moments Podcast are released every Monday on your favorite podcast platforms as well as on YouTube. We also release The Coach's Corner segment on Thursdays. You can subscribe below and never miss a new episode.


Mike Van Hoozer

About the author

I am a husband, father, endurance athlete, author, speaker, consultant, and sports and life performance coach who helps develop leaders in sports, business, and life!

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