Monday Morning Moments Podcast: Peace in the Process

By Mike Van Hoozer

Reading Time: minutes

peace in the process thumbnail

The pursuit of excellence, greatness, and our goals is an incredible opportunity, especially when it is driven by our purpose, fueled by our passion, and guided by a purpose that is higher than ourselves. In the journey of this pursuit, problems, detours, and interference can distract us and cause us to get off track. I sometimes see this with the athletes that I coach where they become shocked when things don’t go “perfectly” which leads to becoming stressed on how to proceed. Maybe, you can relate to this type of situation and these emotions.

In today’s podcast episode of Monday Morning Moments, I share one of my favorite Bible verses that can provide a foundation when trouble, trials, and challenging circumstances occur, and I offer some guidance on what to do in these moments.

There is a way to have peace in the process!



 Show Notes:

  • John 16:33
  • Remember your presence and lean into your process.
  • I perform at my best when I do these things…




New Episodes of the Monday Morning Moments Podcast are released every Monday on your favorite podcast platforms as well as on YouTube. We also release The Coach's Corner segment on Thursdays. You can subscribe below and never miss a new episode.


Mike Van Hoozer

About the author

I am a husband, father, endurance athlete, author, speaker, consultant, and sports and life performance coach who helps develop leaders in sports, business, and life!

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