Monday Morning Moments Podcast: Play From Acceptance, Not For Acceptance

By Mike Van Hoozer

Reading Time: minutes

Play From Acceptance thumbnail

I often see athletes as well as other leaders in business and life tie their identity to their performance. They falsely believe that who they are is what they do, which results in often playing for acceptance and validation. It can also lead them to striving to derive confidence from external things that they may not have control over. Their self talk is based on “If-Then” scenarios and looks like this:

  • If I make this shot Then I will feel good about myself.”
  • If we win this game, Then I will feel good about myself.”

In today’s podcast episode of Monday Morning Moments, I share a better mindset to help you perform at your best in sports, business, and life. It’s the first of 5 foundational principles that we use when we coach our athletes and teams, and from my experience, it is the most important one…way beyond any mental game skill or technique!



Show Notes:

  • Play from a place of acceptance, not for acceptance.
  • Play from a mindset of “Because-Of,” not “If-Then.”
  • Play from a posture of belief and trust based on your gifts and talents, the work you have put in, your preparation, the trust that your family, teammates, and coaches have in you, and most of all, who you are in the eyes of God who created you.
  • Who you are is not what you do.
  • Don’t tie your identity to your performance.


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Mike Van Hoozer

About the author

I am a husband, father, endurance athlete, author, speaker, consultant, and sports and life performance coach who helps develop leaders in sports, business, and life!

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