Monday Morning Moments: The 2 Most Essential Components of Peak Performance

By Mike Van Hoozer

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Joy and Focus Thumbnail

I speak to a lot of people including business leaders and athletes about leadership and performance in sports, business, and life. I also coach executives and elite athletes at the high school, college, and professional level. Based on these experiences and our own research, we have found that there are 2 essential components that allow peak performers to lead and perform at their best. While these are not necessarily the only components, we do know from experience that these are essential and foundational if you want to maximize your potential, achieve your goals, and lead and play with purpose and passion.

In today’s podcast episode of Monday Morning Moments, I share what these 2 characteristics are and encourage you to make these a priority in your life.



Show Notes:

Joy and Focus…

Sometimes, people and athletes can lose both of these.

Regarding Joy, their profession becomes just a job or they try to hold on tightly to it and forget the joy they first had when they began doing what they love.

Regarding Focus, they lose focus of what’s most important or they focus on the wrong things allowing distractions to get in the way of the things and thoughts that allow them to do and play their best!

✅ Remember this week to lead and play from a heart of joy and gratitude which will fuel your passion, attitude, energy, and effort both on the field and off.
✅ Focus on the things and thoughts that are positive, productive, and position you to play your best…rep by rep, possession by possession, and moment by moment.

New Episodes of the Monday Morning Moments Podcast are released every Monday on your favorite podcast platforms as well as on YouTube. We also release The Coach's Corner segment on Thursdays. You can subscribe below and never miss a new episode.


Mike Van Hoozer

About the author

I am a husband, father, endurance athlete, author, speaker, consultant, and sports and life performance coach who helps develop leaders in sports, business, and life!

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