The Coach’s Corner: Are You Stuck in a Holding Pattern in Life?

By Mike Van Hoozer

Reading Time: minutes

holding pattern thumbnail

When a plane circles endlessly around a final destination, it is called a holding pattern. Just like the plane that is circling, we can get stuck in holding patterns in our lives. We circle and circle our final destination or goal with no apparent attempt to make progress to reach our final destination. Sometimes, we don’t even realize that we are in a holding pattern as we allow complacency or challenging circumstances to prevent our progress.

In this episode of The Coach’s Corner, I share 5 tips to help you move past holding patterns in your life and make progress on your goals and becoming who you were created to be.

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Show Notes:

  • We can get stuck in holding patterns in our lives.
  • Don’t Hold Back!
  • Pursue your best in how you invest your time, talent, and resources.

5 Tips To Break Out of Holding Patterns in Life:

  1. Pursue your purpose not a career or job.
  2. Live each day with passion and purpose.
  3. Make the most of each day. Be structured and disciplined with your time, and don’t just go through the motions.
  4. Be present in the moment. Don’t lament the past or worry about the future.
  5. Don’t hold back! Paul says in Hebrews 12:2 to lay aside every weight and run our race with endurance. We need to run our race. Don’t quit at the starting line. Persevere and endure the messy or mundane middle. Unleash our talent and best self and finish strong!

Life is too short and too precious to be stuck in a holding pattern! And just like that airplane that is full of people who waiting to land, people are counting on you to get out of your holding pattern and land the plane opening the door for them to benefit from your legacy and investment in them.


Additional Resource: Holding Patterns Blog Article



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Mike Van Hoozer

About the author

I am a husband, father, endurance athlete, author, speaker, consultant, and sports and life performance coach who helps develop leaders in sports, business, and life!

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