
By Mike Van Hoozer

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Coffee cup on wood table at sunrise beach

As I first began my progression run this morning, the 20 mph wind whipped against me exacerbating the 39 degree temps. It felt a lot like this past year and what this moment in time has tried to do to our spirits, our focus, and our resolve. As I kept running, I focused on things I could control which were my thoughts, my attitude, and my effort. I began to notice the beautiful sun that was shining and the warmth of its rays, and I thanked God for a beautiful day! I focused on my effort putting one foot in front of the other and maintaining a consistent running form knowing the wind would be at my back at some point if I kept running. Maybe, you can take some encouragement from this as you reflect on this past year and refocus on the year to come.

We can put so much attention and focus on what we want to achieve that we lose sight of who we are becoming in the process. A year like 2020 can teach us to slow down, listen and learn, and recharge and refocus on what’s most important. Whether you have developed your goals for this new year or are still considering what they might be, I want to encourage you to think about your To-Be List as much as your To-Do/Goal list. You can find more here about the concept. For this blog post, I wanted to pose 3 crucial questions as you think about the process of becoming:

  • Who am I?
  • Who have I been created to be?
  • Who do I need to become in the new year and beyond?

Growth happens when we become aware of the gap between where we are and where we need to be. Self-reflection helps us to realize our gaps and opportunities as well as our strengths and accomplishments. All of these serve us well in the process of becoming who we were meant to be. If we only focus on our limitations and what we have not done, we will lament the past and be afraid to take the next step forward. If we only focus on our strengths and past accomplishments, we will become complacent about learning and continuing to make a positive difference within our sphere of influence.

In all circumstances, we need to keep taking steps forward and focusing our mind, heart, and soul on the purpose before us. Perseverance happens when we push through the past and press on to what’s ahead!

I am so inspired by the realization and wisdom that Jerry Sittser offers in his book A Grace Disguised: How The Soul Grows Through Loss. Jerry lost his wife, daughter, and mother in a tragic car accident that he and his other children survived and wrote this book based on what God taught him through the process. Through moving through the process of grief and many other emotions he offered this thought:

“The experience of loss does not have to be the defining moment in our lives. Instead the defining moment can be our response to the loss. It is not what happens to us that matters so much as what happens in us.”

The key question for you and for me for this year is not “What Am I Achieving?” but…”Who Am I Becoming”? In other words, during the moments of my time on Earth…

  • What is happening in me?
  • Am I becoming the man I was created to be?
  • Am I running the race (digression point: hopeful that real in-person running races return soon) that was intended for me to run?
  • Am I staying on course and on point?
  • Am I becoming the husband, father, and friend that those closest to me need me to be?
  • And am I leading with purpose and passion and playing the role that was created for me?

Becoming is a journey, not a destination, and it is the most important trip you will ever take!

"It is not what happens to us that matters so much as what happens in us.” - Jerry Sittser, A Grace Disguised: How The Soul Grows Through Loss.

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Mike Van Hoozer

About the author

I am a husband, father, endurance athlete, author, speaker, consultant, and sports and life performance coach who helps develop leaders in sports, business, and life!

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