My mom, an incredible woman of prayer and an excellent English teacher, sent me this poem by Robert Browning to share with you. I think it is appropriate for anyone who is dealing with some kind of trial in their life including everyone who has been affected by the damage and destruction of Hurricane Harvey. While there are many emotions that people are dealing with during this trying time in the greater Houston area, peace, strength, and perseverance can be found in God and the power of Jesus Christ! We are praying that you find peace in this moment and comfort in this prayer:
If I forget,
Yet God remembers! If these hands of mine
Cease from their clinging, yet the hands divine
Hold me so firmly that I cannot fall;
And if sometimes I am too tired to call
For Him to help me, then He reads the prayer
Unspoken in my heart, and lifts my care.
I dare not fear, since certainly I know
That I am in God’s keeping, shielded so
From all that else would harm, and in the hour
Of stern temptation strengthened by His power;
I tread no path in life to Him unknown;
I lift no burden, bear no pain, alone:
My soul a calm, sure hiding-place has found:
The everlasting arms my life surround.
God, Thou art love! I build my faith on that.
I know Thee who has kept my path, and made
Light for me in the darkness, tempering sorrow
So that it reached me like a solemn joy;
It were too strange that I should doubt Thy love.
– “God, Thou Art Love” by Robert Browning
[shareable cite=”Robert Browning” text=”I tread no path in life to Him unknown; I lift no burden, bear no pain, alone:”]”I tread no path in life to Him unknown; I lift no burden, bear no pain, alone: My soul a calm, sure hiding-place has found: The everlasting arms my life surround.”[/shareable]